Mode Payment

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    paymentOrderID: "po_4b6c4203ff89488265ar971f45ac6ff9",
    objectSecret: "6a2d6828147f626d",
    mode: "payment",
    publicKey: "pk_231e1063b8fb324d9324acc9f94af8a5",
    instrument: "ins_fc6409dc32f248839295539623276cl98", // Optionnal
    paymentMethod: "bank_card", // Optionnal
    style: {
      input: {
        base: {
          color: "black",
          fontSize: "18px",

Once the init method will be exectued, you should see the payment form (or the payment methods available if no paymentMethod is provided)

Mode Instrument

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    (event) => {
      const instrument = event.detail.instrument;
      // ...Handle instrument here

    publicKey: "pk_231e1063b8fb324d9324acc9f94af8a5",
    mode: "instrument",
    buyer: "buy_34def8077f774cea8a6f58daojns65419",
    modeOptions: {
      authorizedInstrument: true,
    paymentMethod: "bank_card",

Instrument mode provide you a valid instrument once the form has been completed. You will get the instrument (authorized or not) throught the INSTRUMENT_READY event. Tokenizing error will be return in the event TOKEN_FAIL.

You can create an instrument as a marketplace for a sub-shop using the params modeOptions.shopId passing the sub-shop id

After, for example, you can init PGJS in payment mode with this instrument (Pass the instrumentId as in the 1st example) to process the payment.

Mode Tokenizer (deprecated)


Tokenizer is deprecated

Please use mode Instrument instead. Mode tokenizer will not receive any more updates.

Tokenizer mode provide you a valid Token once the form has been completed. You can retrieve the token throught
the TOKEN_DETAILS_READY event. Tokenizing error will be return in the event TOKEN_FAIL.

After, for example, you can init PGJS in payment mode with the token to process the payment.