Error handling
User input error
Some events allow errors to be recovered (for example TOKENFAIL or OnChange events). These non-critical errors returned in these events allow you to adapt your interface.
Here is an example of error handling based on user input:
(event) => {
const error = event?.detail?.error;
if(error) {
myCustomButton.disabled = true;
} else {
myCustomButton.disabled = false;
paygreenjs.on(paygreenjs.Events.TOKEN_FAIL, (event) => {
console.error('Fail to tokenize card: ', event?.detail);
Token Fail
TOKEN_FAIL event is returned if the method submitPayment() is triggered and an error occurred while tokenizing the data.
This event can return 3 errors:
- tokenize_invalid_card : when the user provides an invalid card
- tokenize_unauthorized: when the user is not allowed to tokenize (once hosted fields loaded, user have 10 minutes to fill the fields. After the expiration, he could receive this error)
- tokenize_unknown_error: when an unknown error is thrown. This must be very rare
Other error
As soon as an unexpected error occurs in the payment flow, PGJS dispatches an event ERROR
paygreenjs.on(paygreenjs.Events.ERROR, (event) => {
console.error('Your custom error handling', event?.detail);
Updated 4 months ago